#46: Getting into the Industry

Season #4

Show notes: Episode #46             

Getting Into the Industry

If you are considering getting into the aged care industry, it can be hard to know where to start. So in this episode I share 5 essential considerations that will set you up for a rewarding career in aged care.

With the aging population here in Australia and across the world, a career in aged care offers many diverse opportunities. So, the first consideration is to think about which aspect of aged care attracts you and where you think your skills will benefit the most. Having a clear picture of what you want is essential before you begin, so ask yourself, where you see yourself fitting in. Will you be self-employed, applying for job, or volunteering some time? Deciding when and where you wish to work is a critical first step.

The second consideration is to be prepared for the unexpected, as aged care is unpredictable. Be aware that what you see could trigger an emotional reaction. This is quite important to understand, as unlike an office job where things are quite consistent, when you work with elderly, there is always an element of the unexpected. This is something that takes a while to work out and it requires you to let go of that sense of control. There are a lot of surprises in aged care, for example, people who are very unwell can live for far longer than you expect, while others might be quite suddenly gone. How we deal with and process these events is so important, which is why I speak about grief and loss and closure in much detail in my workshops. This is something we need to keep working on over time. 

The third consideration involves continuous learning, because in this industry, you’re never going to be at a level in your learning journey where you can stop. Always embrace opportunities to learn, whether that is through attending workshops, reading books or listening to podcasts. Find a medium that works for you and allows you to keep up to date with the latest practices and continue to develop the knowledge that is really relevant for you and your role. Also look to equip yourself with complementary skills that can expand your ability to help. For instance, you might want to learn about stroke, safe swallowing, or emotional distress, not so that you can treat these conditions, but so you can know when to escalate concerns. Record your professional development in a diary as sharing your study achievements makes you more hireable. Knowing how to support an elder in today’s world makes you a really good candidate.

The fourth consideration is interrelated with the third, as it involves finding experts to align yourself with to stay current. Get to know who you should follow on socials, and stay up to date with what they are talking about and doing. Seek out examples of their success stories, or where possible,  identify opportunities to work with them. Having current, relevant knowledge under your belt gives you a definite edge when applying for a position.

The final thing I want you to consider is that there will be bumps in the road. Expect some hiccups. It will not always be smooth sailing, but don’t give up when it gets hard early on. This is especially true if you are a business owner, but also for those working privately. If you encounter setbacks, take a step back and look at the issue with fresh eyes. Starting a new career or new business does feel really hard, so acknowledge the journey, pat yourself on the back, give yourself some praise and realise the difficult times will pass. Seek support and connect with others so you don’t feel alone.


In this episode you will learn:

  • How to create a clear vision of the type of career you want
  • Why expecting the unexpected is a must in aged care
  • The importance of education and why you must never stop learning
  • How to find and align yourself with the experts to stay current
  • That hiccups will happen along the way but you can overcome them



Visit the Wisecare website to download these free resources:

20 Strategies to Help an Older person Struggling With Changes in Late Life

5 Facts About Me Worksheet

Free Chapter: Beyond the Reluctant Move